Friday, 27 December 2013

Hi all,

We are happy to announce the launch of a new course in our college library.  Here is the banner designed for it. 
Displaying Cyber 3 x 5 qty-1.jpg

Google Chromebook School Programme Extends To India

Hi all,

It has been quite sometime that any new post appeared on this blog.  But here is some interesting news that caught my attention.  Sure you all will like it.


After successfully running Chromebook programme in over 3000 schools spanning US, Singapore and Malaysia, Google is now planning to initiate the same global programme in Indian schools as well. The company shall be popularizing the use of its Chromebook laptops in schools, and shall pilot with four schools in Andhra Pradesh. Google is yet to officially announce the plan.


The search giant shall grant 25 Chromebooks to each school and train the teachers and instructors to use and run the required software and applications. Ponnala Lakshmaiah, Andhra's minister for information technology, said- "The school instructors will teach core subjects using applications and software. We believe with interactive learning, the student will understand better and will take interest in the subjects." This programme shall hugely benefit students from class 9th and 10th. 

Chromebooks need constant internet connection, and a majority of data like the files users work on, are stored on Google's storage network connected to the internet. To facilitate this, the state's IT department will provide the schools with Wi-Fi connection of 1Mbps and much required backups. Mentors shall be assigned to each school to train the teachers and instructors on how to use Google's online learning services, Google Apps Training Center.

A company spokesperson reported- "Google aims to increase access to information and knowledge for all students, and encourages tools that support effective teaching and learning in the classroom, but we have nothing to announce at this time."